February 14-17, 2025 | MLS Next U16, U17 & U19 Teams
- 6 games total | 2x30 minute halves
- Friday: Group Matches (round 1 & 2)
- Saturday: Final Group Match & All-Star Game
- Sunday: Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Consolation Games
- Monday: Final & Consolation Games
- The first game time slot on Friday will be 8:00 AM
- The last game time slot on Monday will be 12:30 PM
- Stay-To-Play Event
- Accepted Teams
- Rules
- Schedule
- Tickets
- College Coach Registration
February 14-17, 2025 | NAL U17 (Saturday-Monday) & NAL U19 Teams (Friday-Sunday)
- 3 Games total | 2x45 minute halves
- One game per day
- The first game time on Friday/Saturday will be 11:00 AM
- The last time slot on Sunday/Monday 12:30 PM
- Stay-To-Play Event
- Accepted Teams
- Schedule
- Tickets
- College Coach Registration
February 21-24, 2025 | MLS Next U13-U15 Teams
- 4 Games Total | 2x35 minute halves
- Friday-Sunday: Group Matches (one game per day)
- Monday: Championship & Consolation Games
- The first game time slot on Friday will be 8:00 AM
- The last game time slot on Monday will be 12:30 PM
- Stay-To-Play Event
- Accepted Teams
- Schedule
- Tickets